Management Team

Giustino Varrassi, MD, PhD
Executive Editor
Professor Giustino Varrassi is the former Chairman of the Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, University of L'Aquila, Italy. At the moment, he is president of the Paolo Procacci Foundation, Roma, Italy. His scientific interest is mainly in Pain Medicine as shown by the many initiatives he has organized in his career: Founding Member (1993) and Past-President of the European Pain Federation (EFIC), where he has served in the Executive Board for 21 years; Past-President of the Italian Association for the Study of Pain, where he has served in the Council for over 30 years. In these positions, he has organized over 40 international and national congresses. Moreover, he has an intense publishing activity on Pain Medicine and other aspects of his medical specialty. More recently, he has joined NEMA Research Group, as Senior Consultant. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of some journals, including Clinics and Practice, and Pain and Therapy.

Kari Syrjänen, MD, PhD, FIAC
Publishing Director
Prof. Dr. Kari Syrjänen joined MRE Press as Publishing Director in August 2022. He served almost 40 years in different academic positions, e.g. as Professor of Pathology, Head of Clinical Pathology, and Dean of the Medical Faculty (University of Eastern Finland). He also holds the status of a Visiting Professor, Barretos Cancer Hospital, Brazil (since 2012). Prof. Syrjänen is one of the pioneers in HPV research, with 948 published original papers, reviews and book chapters as well as 530 other scientific communications. He has coordinated 3 European Commission (EC)-funded international multi-center studies (a Nobel laureate among partners), supervised 25 doctoral thesis (domestic and abroad), and published 9 international textbooks, including two major Papillomavirus Textbooks (Springer 1987; Wiley 2000). His research has received over 33,600 citations in the literature, with current Hirsch Index (HI) of 91 (i10 index 594). He has participated as an invited speaker in nearly 300 international congresses (with over 500 oral presentations), and as organizing committee member in over 40 of those. In 2013, KS was appointed as Editor-in-Chief, Acta Cytologica (Karger). He has also served as the Editorial Board members of more than 20 international journals, and has been the Member of more than 20 professional societies/research organizations. Prof. Syrjänen is an Honorary Member of the American- (ASCPC), Italian- (ISCPC) and Hungarian (HSCPC) Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. In 2006, he received EUROGIN Distinguished Service Award, and in 2010, the Maurice Goldblatt Award (from IAC). He is the first recipient of the IPVS Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Papillomavirus Society (2015). In 2022, he was invited as an Honorary Member of the Finnish Society of Clinical Cytology.

Jiayi Xu, MSc
Ethics Manager
Ms. Jiayi Xu joined MRE Press as Ethics Manager in November 2023. After receiving a Master’s degree in Information Technology Management from Hong Kong Baptist University, Jiayi Xu joined Chongqing University of Technology, China as a managing editor of CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology. She works as an Advisory Cabinet in Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE). From 2020 to 2023, she volunteered for Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) as an associate editor, and now serves as an editor. She is a member of Youth Committee of Society of China University Journals and council member of Chongqing Editology Society of Science Periodicals. She also works as Council Member of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) in 2021.

Bradley J. Monk, MD, FACS, FACOG
Scientific Advisor
Prof. Dr. Bradley J. Monk is an American gynecologic oncologist, academician and researcher. He is a Professor on the Clinical Scholar Track in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, as well as at the Creighton University School of Medicine, both in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Monk has authored and co-authored over 350 peer reviewed publications, and has focused his research on gynecologic surgery-complex, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and other gynecologic cancers. He has received the Ernst Wertheim Award for his research in cervical cancer. Monk is a fellow of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the Society of Gynecologic Oncology. He is the Vice President and Member Board of Directors GOG-Foundation. He is an Associate Editor for Annals of Oncology.
Monk's research is primarily focused on the prevention and treatment of gynecologic cancers. He was the pioneer to report the activity of anti-vascular growth factor (VEGF) therapy in ovarian cancer and his papers in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) led to the global approval of antiVEGF therapy in recurrent cervical cancer in 2014 and advanced ovarian in 2018. He was also the lead author on the trial of trabectedin in recurrent ovarian cancer. Finally, his papers on PARPi and immunotherapy also in the NEJM have led to the approval of these agents in ovarian and cervical cancer, respectively.

George E. White, DDS, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Prof. Dr. George E. White is the Professor of Pediatric Dentistry Emeritus, Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine, Pediatric Dentistry, 1 Kneeland Street, Boston, USA. He specializes in the oral health of children, and founded the Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry (JOCPD) in 1976, and served as the Editor-in-Chief until 2005. Between 2005 and 2022, he guided the work of JOCPD as the Editor Emeritus. He joined MRE Press as the Scientific Advisor in July 2022, and continues to lead the development of JOCPD.
Dr. White’s research interests mainly include Pediatric Dentistry and Jaw Orthopaedics. He has published more than 85 peer reviewed papers in reputed scientific journals. He also attaches great importance to innovative research, and has developed many new techniques in a variety of areas in pediatric dentistry. He worked with the inventor of the electronic caries detector, clinically tested it using National Institute for Dental Research grants and finally brought it to market. He developed new cavity preparations for micro dentistry using air abrasion and later laser technologies. In the area of functional jaw orthopaedics, he also developed several new appliances to gain a better quality of treatment with a shorter time of treatment. His organizational skills are seen in the organization of the department, textbooks on pediatric dentistry and on functional jaw orthopaedics, develop and run a dental journal, do innovative research, and teach his students.

Roberto Manfredini, MD, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Prof. Dr. Roberto Manfredini works as the Chair of Internal Medicine, University of Ferrara, and the Head Clinica Medica Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria 'S.Anna', Ferrara, Italy. He graduated (Medicine & Surgery) at the University of Ferrara (Italy), and has achieved a specialization degree in Endocrinology (University of Modena, Italy), Internal Medicine (University of Parma, Italy), and Cardiology (University of Ferrara, Italy). He also got a Doctorate (PhD) in Biomedicine, at the University of Cordoba, Spain. He is certified among the Top Italian Scientists (TIS) (University of Manchester), and has published more than 500 in Impact Factor International Journals (Scopus & ISI WOS databases), with more than 9400 citations in Scopus and 15599 in Google Scholar.
He took more than 150 invited lectures at national and international congresses. He served as the Board member & Vice-President of Academy of Sciences of Ferrara, and the President of Medical-Surgical Society of Ferrara. He also serves on the editorial boards of many scientific journals including Journal of Acute Diseases, Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, Heart and Mind, Signa Vitae, Journal of Personalized Medicine. He is the Advisory Editor of Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, and the Editorial Consultant of The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. His research interests include: Clinical chronobiology, Peripheral vascular diseases, Internal medicine, Cardiovascular disease, and Gender-oriented medicine etc. He actively participates in peer review process, and is the peer reviewer of many journals, such American Journal of Cardiology, American Journal of Medicine, Angiology, Circulation, Heart, Internal and Emergency Medicine, International Journal of Cardiology, JAMA Cardiology, Nature Communications, Nature Reviews Cardiology, Nutrients, PLOS One, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Stroke etc.

Andrea Garolla, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Prof. Dr. Andrea Garolla is an Assistant Professor in Endocrinology at the Department of Medicine of the University of Padova. He works as endocrinologist and andrologist at the Unit of Andrology and Reproductive Medicine of the University Hospital of Padova. He is co-author of more than 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 21 books, many book chapters, invited reviews in the field of endocrinology or reproductive medicine co-editor of 10 books and author of three books. He is member of the Editorial Board of many journals, such as Frontiers in Endocrinology, Journal of Clinical Cancer Research, Journal of Pelviperineology, Frontiers in Oncology and Journal of Men's Health. He is Referee of many International and National Scientific Journals in the field of endocrinology, andrology, reproductive medicine, oncology and fertility preservation. Invited speaker at many national and international congresses. Previous member of the Directive Board of the Italian Society of Medical Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS). Member of the Directive Board of the Italian Society of Reproductive Physiopathology (SIFR). Actual member of the Scientific Board of the Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE). In 2016 he gained the National Scientific Degree as Full Professor of Endocrinology. His research interests include: Physiopathology of gonadal function, Neuroregulation of Hypothalamus-Hypophysis-Gonadal axis, Sperm physiopathology, Biochemical aspects of spermatogenesis, Endocrine disruptors and spermatogenesis, and so on.

Shirley Li
Managing Editor
Ms. Shirley Li joined MRE as the Managing Editor of European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology (EJGO) in 2022. She graduated from Northeast Agricultural University, majoring in Preventive Veterinary Medicine (Master's degree). Her main research interests are Microbiology and Immunity.

Lara Fang, MSc
Managing Editor
Ms. Lara Fang joined MRE as the Managing Editor of Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry (JOCPD) in 2022. She holds a Master degree in Biology from University of Science and Technology of China, P.R. China. She served as the Managing Editor of Signa Vitae from 2020 to 2022.

Meixia Dai, MSc
Managing Editor
Ms. Meixia Dai joined MRE as the Managing Editor of Signa Vitae in July 2022. She holds a Master degree in Biology from Ningbo University, P.R. China. She served as the Assistant Editor of Journal of Integrative Neuroscience from 2019 to 2022.